Colloidal NanoSilver Usage Guide
Rinse with clean water and remove any dirt or debris from the wound. Spray with Colloidal NanoSilver 30ppm and cover with a clean bandage. Spray colloidal silver and change bandage at least 2 times a day. If stitches are required, please visit your medical professional.
Use a nasal spray and apply two squirts of Colloidal NanoSilver 10ppm while sniffing, three-time a day.
Take 50ml of Colloidal NanoSilver 10ppm on an empty stomach. Take this three to five times a day, depending on severity, until the condition improves.
Nebulize with 5ml of Colloidal NanoSilver 10ppm, three times a day. At the same time, take 30ml of Colloidal NanoSilver 10ppm three times a day until symptoms have improved. Hold liquid in mouth for 1 minute before swallowing.
Take 30ml of Colloidal NanoSilver 10ppm, twice or three times daily, before meals. Keep in the mouth for 1 minute before swallowing. Using a nasal spray, apply two squirts of Colloidal NanoSilver 10ppm while sniffing, two or three times a day.
Rinse mouth using 20ml of Colloidal NanoSilver 10ppm. Also spray Colloidal Nano Silver 30ppm on external areas affected.
Spray Colloidal NanoSilver 30ppm into hair and massage into scalp. Do this two or three times a day.
Take 30ml of Colloidal NanoSilver 10ppm every 2 hours until symptoms subside.
Lay the head on one side and using a dropper, apply two to three drops of Colloidal NanoSilver 10ppm. Stay in that position for two to three minutes before doing the other side. Continue the procedure two to three times a day until the infection subsides.
Spray with Colloidal NanoSilver 30ppm, two to three times a day, and cover with a clean bandage. Take 30ml of Colloidal NanoSilver 10ppm to speed up recovery.
Take 30ml of Colloidal NanoSilver 10ppm, three times daily, before meals. Keep in the mouth for 1 minute before swallowing.
Rinse with clean water and remove any dirt or debris from the wound. Spray with Colloidal NanoSilver 30ppm and cover with a clean bandage. Take 30ml of Colloidal NanoSilver 10ppm to speed up recovery. If stitches are required, please visit your medical professional.
Spray with Colloidal NanoSilver 30ppm, two to three times a day, and cover with a clean bandage. Take 30ml of Colloidal NanoSilver 10ppm to speed up recovery.
Spray with Colloidal NanoSilver 30ppm, two to three times a day, and cover with a clean bandage, if required. Take 30ml of Colloidal NanoSilver 10ppm to speed up recovery.
Spray with Colloidal NanoSilver 10ppm into the mouth, two or three times a day. Take 30ml of Colloidal NanoSilver 10ppm. Keep the liquid in the mouth for 1 minute before swallowing.
Using a nasal spray, apply two squirts of Colloidal NanoSilver 10ppm while sniffing. Apply two to three times a day. Take 30ml of Colloidal NanoSilver 10ppm. Keep the liquid in the mouth for 1 minute before swallowing. Nebulize with 5ml of Colloidal NanoSilver 10ppm for faster recovery.
Take orally about 30ml of Colloidal NanoSilver 10ppm, and keep in the mouth on the part of the infected tooth for about 10 minutes. After this swish gently in the mouth for about 30 seconds and spit the liquid out. Do this three times a day.
Take 30ml of Colloidal NanoSilver 10ppm three times a day until symptoms have improved. Hold liquid in mouth for 1 minute before swallowing. Nebulize with 5ml of Colloidal NanoSilver 10ppm for faster recovery.

Disclaimer: The information found here is for educational use only and is not meant to be a prescription for any disease or illness.
Colloidal NanoSilver by The Brand Colloidal Silver No. 1